Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weatherbird Update...

Sorry it has been a while since a posting. We are back in Norfolk after our successful trip up to D.C. The trip was awesome and the crew was great. Jenna, a newbie crew member, met up with us in D.C. and rode back with us to Norfolk. Luckly, TJ was able to find a cook, Debbie. We would of all been hungry and cranky without her. I think I gained like 5 lbs from her cooking, seriously. We borrowed a couple crew members from the Hatteris, Duke University's research vessel, which worked out great. To celebrate the maiden voyage of the Weatherbird and our sleep deprivation Jenna, David, and I went out and met up with Cuervo Tequilla Friday night. The weather in Norfolk is GREAT (opposite of the snow storm we got in D.C.)! I'm wearing shorts and slippa's for the first time since I left Hawaii. We have plenty of pictures which I will put up soon!